• Abidjan, Marcory, Rue Piere-marie Curie
  • +225 01 02 34 55 43
  • info@protectionpourtous.ci

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We experience violence every day. To learn more about please click on the links below.

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Frequently asked questions

  • What is the purpose of case reporting?

    The documented cases will be used to advocate with the relevant authorities to improve or guarantee access to public services in general and to health...

  • Who can report cases of violence on this platform?

    If you are a member of the MSM, DU, ST and PLHIV community and you are a key population in a case of violence, this is your platform. A third person...

  • What is the purpose of this platform?

    This platform is a discreet and confidential reporting tool for cases of violence perpetrated against minorities because of their sexual orientation or...

  • Is confidentiality guaranteed?

    Yes, you can report cases of violence you have experienced in complete confidentiality and serenity. The documented cases are only accessible by the...

  • If I make a complaint here, will my complaint be followed up?

    This platform does not replace the normal complaint procedure. You can just document the case of violence you are a victim of and ask for assistance...

  • Can a third party report a case of violence on behalf of a victim?

    Yes, a third party can also report a case on behalf of a victim, at the victim's express request.

  • If I need assistance, what do I do?

    Just fill in the report form in the violence section and specify the type of assistance you need. If you need medical assistance, go to the...

  • Can several cases of violence be reported for the same victim?

    Of course. You can come back to the platform as many times as you are victims to report these cases. You can do so as a new case, but you can also do...

  • How to report a case of violence?

    To report a case of violence, simply fill in the form provided in the "Violence" section. or click here. Fill in the fields on the form and click on...

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